Favorite Exercise
One of my favorite activities is to walk along the Merrimack River in Lowell. I try to walk every Saturday and Sunday morning. Today the sky was overcast, but the current was almost imperceptible and the river became one long mirror of the opposite bank. It was mesmerizing.
While I walk I listen to my mp3 player. Annie Lennox's album "Bare" is one of my favorites, along with Maroon5 and Keith Green.
Two years ago I wasn't able to walk a half mile. Now I usually walk 2 - 3 miles.
I also have been attending a strength training class with a personal trainer two days a week. That is also starting to make a difference in how I feel.
As soon as I find the charger for my digital camera I will post some more pictures.
I also like to keep my mind fit (a necessity as a math teacher). Tuesday, 3/14 is Pi day. So
HAPPY PI DAY everyone!
If you are interested in Pi check out the following website: