
Showing posts from June, 2006


Today I went to one of my favorite support meetings. It was a small meeting today, but I really got a lot out of it. It is so important for me to be able to talk about eating and emotional issues with people who have issues similar to mine. Most of the people at the meeting were like me in that our food and weight issues started at a young age. Some of us were overweight before we were 10 years old , but all of us had food and weight issues by the time we hit teenage years that have stayed with us our entire adult lives.

Detox diet

Now that school is out, I thought I would follow the rice diet from Duke University for a little while to see if I can make my body go to a new low weight. Unfortunately, I got bronchitis the last day of school, so I don't think that I am following it the way I should. It is primarily a vegetarian diet and I do think that it is healthy to eat more beans and grains. I have switched from one meatless day to 6 meatless days, so hopefully I will weigh less next week! After July 4th I will be traveling for a week and that is always challenging for following a special food plan.