
Showing posts from 2024

History of Kendall/Smith/Pigeon /Gladu Family

 I have decided to write about my family for my daughter, grandson and other relatives. Unfortunately or fortunately my ancesters were from England and France, but also native American on both sides( which is not provable now).  My father died long before I was able to write down what he told me, but he was born in 1893 and left me the family bible and names and birthdates of Anuts & Uncle, According to him, his grandmother was native American, and taught him some of her language but that is all I remember. My mother lived longer, but was unable to give me much information before she died.  Some of my mothers cousins filled me in on some things, but I need to research more.  My grandfather on my mother's side was native American as well.  My maternal grandmother , Juliet Gladu, was born in Trois Rivieres Canada. She and my grandfather were married in Winsocket, RI., but lived in Brockton, Massachusetts when I knew them.

2024 update

  This is a picture of me & grandsons at LAX after visiting California last July.   Although I have seen any comments I thought I would update my info. At this point I am maintaining around a 116 pound weight loss.  At 76 I still feel relatively healthy!