How to maintain a weight loss...
From my experience: 1. Don't take prednisone. 2. Don't take hormone. 3. Do make sure that your thyroid levels are normal. 4. Don't sit for 8-12 hours per day. 5. Don't eat most of your meals at restaurants. 6. If you are taking glyburide, ask your doctor for an alternative that doesn't cause weight gain. 7. Don't use artificial sweeteners. 8. Don't eat when bored, tired, lonely or angry and not even if you are hungry if it is not a scheduled meal or snack. 9. Do weigh and measure the food you eat on a daily basis. 10. Do eliminate or limit refined flour and sugar. 11. Do drink water. 12. Do exercise every day. Build up to an hour - walk, bike, swim,take an exercise class, etc. 13. Do some meditation, or take some quiet time every day. 14. Do stretching exercises and/or yoga. 15. Join a support group -- Overeaters Anonymous is my favorite.