Dec 28 2022

I posted this in memory of my son Douglas Bruce Stoddard who passed away on April 11, 2021 Five Steps to Create an Effective Brand Experience BY DOUG POSTED IN: BRANDING Your brand is: “ What the customer says it is, through their thoughts and feelings about their experience (real or perceived) with it “. How you make people (customers) feel is 10x more important than what your organization makes, sells or does. On the contrary, a brand is NOT just a name, trademark, logo, packaging or product. In order to guide customers to perceive your brand in the way you desire, I have created these 5 steps to drive a long-lasting brand experience: Define/Document it : You have to define how you would like your brand to be perceived through the eyes of you customers. For example, at one healthcare organization I worked for, we wanted patients (our customers) to feel that their every need was being taken care of. We simply de...