
History of Kendall/Smith/Pigeon /Gladu Family

 I have decided to write about my family for my daughter, grandson and other relatives. Unfortunately or fortunately my ancesters were from England and France, but also native American on both sides( which is not provable now).  My father died long before I was able to write down what he told me, but he was born in 1893 and left me the family bible and names and birthdates of Anuts & Uncle, According to him, his grandmother was native American, and taught him some of her language but that is all I remember. My mother lived longer, but was unable to give me much information before she died.  Some of my mothers cousins filled me in on some things, but I need to research more.  My grandfather on my mother's side was native American as well.  My maternal grandmother , Juliet Gladu, was born in Trois Rivieres Canada. She and my grandfather were married in Winsocket, RI., but lived in Brockton, Massachusetts when I knew them.

2024 update

  This is a picture of me & grandsons at LAX after visiting California last July.   Although I have seen any comments I thought I would update my info. At this point I am maintaining around a 116 pound weight loss.  At 76 I still feel relatively healthy! 

How to maintain a weight loss...

From my experience:  1. Don't take prednisone.  2. Don't take hormone.  3. Do make sure that your thyroid levels are normal.  4. Don't sit for 8-12 hours per day.  5. Don't eat most of your meals at restaurants.  6. If you are taking glyburide, ask your doctor for an alternative that doesn't cause weight gain.  7. Don't use artificial sweeteners.  8. Don't eat when bored, tired, lonely or angry and not even if you are hungry if it is not a scheduled meal or snack.  9. Do weigh and measure the food you eat on a daily basis.  10. Do eliminate or limit refined flour and sugar.  11. Do drink water.  12. Do exercise every day. Build up to an hour - walk, bike, swim,take an exercise class, etc.  13. Do some meditation, or take some quiet time every day.  14. Do stretching exercises and/or yoga.  15. Join a support group -- Overeaters Anonymous is my favorite.

Quick update on weight loss

 As of today I am down 111 lbs from my highes weight of 283.  My goal is to be at 165 lbs- one day at a time!

Me & my boys

July 2022 A lot has happened since my last post - 2021 was not the best year for out family.  My daughter Sharon had to have her left leg amputated below the knee in March.  Then on April 11 my son Doug died. My world fell apart!  Sharon and I made the best of things for the rest of that year.

Dec 28 2022

 I posted this in memory of my son Douglas Bruce Stoddard who passed away on April 11, 2021 Five Steps to Create an Effective Brand Experience BY  DOUG POSTED IN:  BRANDING Your brand is: “ What the customer says it is, through their thoughts and feelings about their experience (real or perceived) with it “.  How you make people (customers) feel is 10x more important than what your organization makes, sells or does.  On the contrary, a brand is NOT just a name, trademark, logo, packaging or product.   In order to guide customers to perceive your brand in the way you desire, I have created these 5 steps to drive a long-lasting brand experience: Define/Document it :  You have to define how you would like your brand to be perceived through the eyes of you customers.  For example, at one healthcare organization I worked for, we wanted patients (our customers) to feel that their every need was being taken care of.  We simply de...

Still losing weight!

 Well, I can't believe it is almost August 2019.  My weight loss is continuing and I am still pretty active.  I walk daily, ride a stationary bike several times a week, and use the gym and heated pool at Therafit twice a week.  I eat 3 weighed and measured meals a day containing no flour, sugar, wheat, or artificial sweeteners of any kind.  I drink water, or decaf coffee and tea inbetween. I also work part-time and enjoy visiting family in Florida and California. The reason I don't blog much is because I am so busy.  Also, because I don't get any feedback, I figure no one pays attention.  With all the emphasis on diets and healthy eating I am surprised that no one makes comments. I just looked at my first blog.  I said that I had lost 62 lbs.  As of today, I have lost another 45 lbs, bringing my total weight loss up to 107 lbs!!! Now, I just read another of my previous posts.   I walk 3 miles most days (yesterday on walked...

Wow 2017!!!

I have been retired  3 years now and the time has never slowed down.  Personally things are going well.  I am still losing weight and at a new low weight! I love OA and my fitbit! I will try to update blog more often, but with working part-time and traveling several times a  year I never seem to get to do this. These 2 pictures are from Burlington, VT.

Sunday Feb 8-13

Well it seems as though winter is getting our attention! I haven't been doing much except clearing off my car and moving it when the plows show up. Although, I have been reading Dean Ornish and am trying to reduce fat as well as carbs.  My weight hasn't moved much this month, but I am hopeful for the March 1  weigh-in. Hang in there!